1.include shadow casting objects and recieving objects in a new render layer
2.shadow casting objects (primary visibility off)
NOTE: Applying a default shader with no spec and reflection would
speed up the render
3.Apply " aiAmbientOcclusion1 " to the shadow recieving
4. Set the desired values to the occlusion node.
5. Select the shadow recieving object and in shape node of the mesh,
scroll to arnold tab and uncheck visible in diffuse attibute.
6. if there are lot of shadow recieving objects in your scene use
the mel script to do the job.
//Render Stats set
// write by wangqiang , email: wq_816816@163.com 2015.4.03
global proc HelpWindow_CH()
if(`window -ex HelpWindow`)
deleteUI HelpWindow;
-t "Help"
-maximizeButton false
-minimizeButton true
-sizeable false
-resizeToFitChildren false
-menuBar false
-menuBarVisible false
columnLayout -adj 1;
scrollLayout -horizontalScrollBarThickness 0 -h 140;
text "\n\²Ù×÷·½·¨£ºÑ¡ÔñÐèÒªÉèÖõÄÎïÌåÄ£ÐÍ£¬Ö´ÐÐÏëÒªµÄ²Ù×÷¼´¿É.
text -l "=====================================";
text "Ö§³ÖµÄäÖȾÆ÷£ºSoftware & mental ray & Arnold.
text -l "=====================================";
text "\n\QQ:531430847";
text "\n\E_mail:wq_816816@163.com";
setParent ..;
showWindow HelpWindow;
global proc HelpWindow()
if(`window -ex HelpWindow`)
deleteUI HelpWindow;
-t "Help"
-maximizeButton false
-minimizeButton true
-sizeable false
-resizeToFitChildren false
-menuBar false
-menuBarVisible false
columnLayout -adj 1;
scrollLayout -horizontalScrollBarThickness 0 -h 220;
text "\n\[Work Flow]: ";
text "\n\Step 1. Select scene model you want to set. ";
text "Step 2. Set options as needed(On/Off) .";
text -l "=====================================";
text "[Support for rendering]£º";
text "\n\Software & mental ray & Arnold. ";
text -l "=====================================";
text "\n\QQ:531430847";
text "\n\E_mail:wq_816816@163.com";
setParent ..;
showWindow HelpWindow;
global proc PrimaryVisibility0()
string $sel[0];//¶¨ÒåÁËÒ»¸öÃû³ÆΪ$selµÄÊý×é
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`; //$sel=Ñ¡ÔñµÄÎïÌ壬shape
for ($one in $sel) //¶Ô$selÖÐËùÓÐÖ´ÐÐ
if(`objExists ($one+".primaryVisibility")`)
{setAttr ($one+".primaryVisibility") 0;}
global proc PrimaryVisibility1()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`;
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".primaryVisibility")`)
{setAttr ($one+".primaryVisibility") 1;}
print $sel"äÖȾ¿É¼û£»\n";/////melÖгöÏÖ\nµÄ²Ù×÷ºÍ»Ø³µÒ»Ñù
/////ͶÉäÒõÓ°Casts Shadows
global proc CastsShadows1()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`; //ÁгöÑ¡ÔñÎïÌå
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".castsShadows")`)
{setAttr ($one+".castsShadows") 1;}
print $sel"ͶÉäÒõÓ°£»\n";
global proc CastsShadows0()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`; //ÁгöÑ¡ÔñÎïÌå
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".castsShadows")`)
{setAttr ($one+".castsShadows") 0;}
print $sel"²»Í¶ÉäÒõÓ°£»\n";
global proc ReceiveShadows1()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`; //ÁгöÑ¡ÔñÎïÌå
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".receiveShadows")`)
{setAttr ($one+".receiveShadows") 1;}
print $sel"½ÓÊÕÒõÓ°£»\n";
global proc ReceiveShadows0()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`; //ÁгöÑ¡ÔñÎïÌå
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".receiveShadows")`)
{setAttr ($one+".receiveShadows") 0;}
print $sel"²»½ÓÊÕÒõÓ°£»\n";
global proc VisibleInReflections1()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`; //ÁгöÑ¡ÔñÎïÌå
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".visibleInReflections")`)
{setAttr ($one+".visibleInReflections") 1;}
print $sel"·´ÉäÖпɼû£»\n";
global proc VisibleInReflections0()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`; //ÁгöÑ¡ÔñÎïÌå
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".visibleInReflections")`)
{setAttr ($one+".visibleInReflections") 0;}
print $sel"·´ÉäÖв»¿É¼û£»\n";
global proc VisibleInRefractions1()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`; //ÁгöÑ¡ÔñÎïÌå
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".visibleInReflections")`)
{setAttr ($one+".visibleInRefractions") 1;}
print $sel"ÕÛÉäÖпɼû£»\n";
global proc VisibleInRefractions0()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`; //ÁгöÑ¡ÔñÎïÌå
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".visibleInReflections")`)
{setAttr ($one+".visibleInRefractions") 0;}
print $sel"ÕÛÉäÖв»¿É¼û£»\n";
global proc MotionBlur1()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`; //ÁгöÑ¡ÔñÎïÌå
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".motionBlur")`)
{setAttr ($one+".motionBlur") 1;}
print $sel"Ô˶¯Ä£ºý£»\n";
global proc MotionBlur0()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`; //ÁгöÑ¡ÔñÎïÌå
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".motionBlur")`)
{setAttr ($one+".motionBlur") 0;}
print $sel"²»²ÎÓëÔ˶¯Ä£ºý£»\n";
global proc RestoreSettings()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`; //ÁгöÑ¡ÔñÎïÌå
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".primaryVisibility")`)
if(`objExists ($one+".castsShadows")`)
if(`objExists ($one+".receiveShadows")`)
if(`objExists ($one+".visibleInReflections")`)
if(`objExists ($one+".visibleInReflections")`)
if(`objExists ($one+".motionBlur")`)
setAttr ($one+".primaryVisibility") 1;
setAttr ($one+".receiveShadows") 1;
setAttr ($one+".castsShadows") 1;
setAttr ($one+".visibleInReflections") 1;
setAttr ($one+".visibleInRefractions") 1;
setAttr ($one+".motionBlur") 1;
setAttr ($one+".smoothShading") 1;
setAttr ($one+".doubleSided") 1;
setAttr ($one+".opposite") 1;
editRenderLayerAdjustment -remove
editRenderLayerAdjustment -remove
editRenderLayerAdjustment -remove ($one+".castsShadows");
editRenderLayerAdjustment -remove ($one+".visibleInReflections");
editRenderLayerAdjustment -remove
editRenderLayerAdjustment -remove ($one+".motionBlur");
editRenderLayerAdjustment -remove ($one+".smoothShading");
editRenderLayerAdjustment -remove ($one+".doubleSided");
editRenderLayerAdjustment -remove ($one+".opposite");
print $sel"»Ö¸´Ä¬ÈÏÉèÖã»\n";
global proc mFinalGatherCast0()
string $sel[0];//¶¨ÒåÁËÒ»¸öÃû³ÆΪ$selµÄÊý×é
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`; //$sel=Ñ¡ÔñµÄÎïÌ壬shape
for ($one in $sel) //¶Ô$selÖÐËùÓÐÖ´ÐÐ
if(`objExists ($one+".miFinalGatherCast")`)
{setAttr ($one+".miFinalGatherCast") 0;}
global proc mFinalGatherCast1()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`;
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".miFinalGatherCast")`)
{setAttr ($one+".miFinalGatherCast") 1;}
global proc mFinalGatherReceive0()
string $sel[0];//¶¨ÒåÁËÒ»¸öÃû³ÆΪ$selµÄÊý×é
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`; //$sel=Ñ¡ÔñµÄÎïÌ壬shape
for ($one in $sel) //¶Ô$selÖÐËùÓÐÖ´ÐÐ
if(`objExists ($one+".miFinalGatherReceive")`)
{setAttr ($one+".miFinalGatherReceive") 0;}
print $sel"½ÓÊÕFGÕÕÃ÷£»\n";/////melÖгöÏÖ\nµÄ²Ù×÷ºÍ»Ø³µÒ»Ñù
global proc mFinalGatherReceive1()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`;
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".miFinalGatherReceive")`)
{setAttr ($one+".miFinalGatherReceive") 1;}
print $sel"²»½ÓÊÕFGÕÕÃ÷£»\n";/////melÖгöÏÖ\nµÄ²Ù×÷ºÍ»Ø³µÒ»Ñù
////Visible In Transparency
global proc mTransparencyCast0()
string $sel[0];//¶¨ÒåÁËÒ»¸öÃû³ÆΪ$selµÄÊý×é
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`; //$sel=Ñ¡ÔñµÄÎïÌ壬shape
for ($one in $sel) //¶Ô$selÖÐËùÓÐÖ´ÐÐ
if(`objExists ($one+".miTransparencyCast")`)
{setAttr ($one+".miTransparencyCast") 0;}
print $sel"͸Ã÷¿É¼û£»\n";/////melÖгöÏÖ\nµÄ²Ù×÷ºÍ»Ø³µÒ»Ñù
global proc mTransparencyCast1()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`;
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".miTransparencyCast")`)
{setAttr ($one+".miTransparencyCast") 1;}
////Transmit Transparency
global proc mTransparencyReceive0()
string $sel[0];//¶¨ÒåÁËÒ»¸öÃû³ÆΪ$selµÄÊý×é
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`; //$sel=Ñ¡ÔñµÄÎïÌ壬shape
for ($one in $sel) //¶Ô$selÖÐËùÓÐÖ´ÐÐ
if(`objExists ($one+".miTransparencyReceive")`)
{setAttr ($one+".miTransparencyReceive") 0;}
print $sel"ÏÔʾ͸Ã÷£»\n";/////melÖгöÏÖ\nµÄ²Ù×÷ºÍ»Ø³µÒ»Ñù
global proc mTransparencyReceive1()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`;
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".miTransparencyReceive")`)
{setAttr ($one+".miTransparencyReceive") 1;}
////Trace Reflection
global proc mReflectionReceive0()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`;
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".miReflectionReceive")`)
{setAttr ($one+".miReflectionReceive") 0;}
print $sel"ÏÔʾ·´É䣻\n";
global proc mReflectionReceive1()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`;
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".miReflectionReceive")`)
{setAttr ($one+".miReflectionReceive") 1;}
print $sel"²»ÏÔʾ·´É䣻\n";
////Transmit Refraction
global proc mRefractionReceive0()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`;
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".miRefractionReceive")`)
{setAttr ($one+".miRefractionReceive") 0;}
print $sel"ÏÔʾÕÛÉ䣻\n";
global proc mRefractionReceive1()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`;
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".miRefractionReceive")`)
{setAttr ($one+".miRefractionReceive") 1;}
print $sel"²»ÏÔʾÕÛÉ䣻\n";
global proc mRestoreSettings()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`; //ÁгöÑ¡ÔñÎïÌå
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".miFinalGatherCast")`)
if(`objExists ($one+".miFinalGatherReceive")`)
if(`objExists ($one+".miTransparencyCast")`)
if(`objExists ($one+".miTransparencyReceive")`)
if(`objExists ($one+".miReflectionReceive")`)
if(`objExists ($one+".miRefractionReceive")`)
setAttr ($one+".miFinalGatherCast") 1;
setAttr ($one+".miFinalGatherReceive") 1;
setAttr ($one+".miTransparencyCast") 1;
setAttr ($one+".miTransparencyReceive") 1;
setAttr ($one+".miReflectionReceive") 1;
setAttr ($one+".miRefractionReceive") 1;
editRenderLayerAdjustment -remove
editRenderLayerAdjustment -remove
editRenderLayerAdjustment -remove
editRenderLayerAdjustment -remove
editRenderLayerAdjustment -remove
editRenderLayerAdjustment -remove
print $sel"»Ö¸´mentalrayĬÈÏÉèÖã»\n";
global proc aiSelfShadows0()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`;
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".aiSelfShadows")`)
{setAttr ($one+".aiSelfShadows") 0;}
print $sel"¹Ø±Õ×ÔÉíÒõÓ°£»\n";
global proc aiSelfShadows1()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`;
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".aiSelfShadows")`)
{setAttr ($one+".aiSelfShadows") 1;}
print $sel"¿ªÆô×ÔÉíÒõÓ°£»\n";
global proc aiOpaque0()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`;
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".aiOpaque")`)
{setAttr ($one+".aiOpaque") 0;}
print $sel"¼ÆËã͸Ã÷£»\n";
global proc aiOpaque1()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`;
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".aiOpaque")`)
{setAttr ($one+".aiOpaque") 1;}
print $sel"²»¼ÆËã͸Ã÷£»\n";
global proc aiVisibleInDiffuse0()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`;
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".aiVisibleInDiffuse")`)
{setAttr ($one+".aiVisibleInDiffuse") 0;}
print $sel"²»²ÎÓëÂþÉä¼ä½ÓÕÕÃ÷£»\n";
global proc aiVisibleInDiffuse1()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`;
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".aiVisibleInDiffuse")`)
{setAttr ($one+".aiVisibleInDiffuse") 1;}
print $sel"²ÎÓëÂþÉä¼ä½ÓÕÕÃ÷£»\n";
global proc aiVisibleInGlossy0()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`;
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".aiVisibleInGlossy")`)
{setAttr ($one+".aiVisibleInGlossy") 0;}
print $sel"²»²ÎÓë·´Éä¼ä½ÓÕÕÃ÷£»\n";
global proc aiVisibleInGlossy1()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`;
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".aiVisibleInGlossy")`)
{setAttr ($one+".aiVisibleInGlossy") 1;}
print $sel"²ÎÓë·´Éä¼ä½ÓÕÕÃ÷£»\n";
global proc AiRestoreSettings()
string $sel[0];
$sel = `ls -sl -dag -type shape`; //ÁгöÑ¡ÔñÎïÌå
for ($one in $sel)
if(`objExists ($one+".aiSelfShadows")`)
if(`objExists ($one+".aiOpaque")`)
if(`objExists ($one+".aiVisibleInDiffuse")`)
if(`objExists ($one+".aiVisibleInGlossy")`)
setAttr ($one+".aiSelfShadows") 1;
setAttr ($one+".aiOpaque") 1;
setAttr ($one+".aiVisibleInDiffuse") 1;
setAttr ($one+".aiVisibleInGlossy") 1;
editRenderLayerAdjustment -remove ($one+".aiSelfShadows");
editRenderLayerAdjustment -remove ($one+".aiOpaque");
editRenderLayerAdjustment -remove
editRenderLayerAdjustment -remove
print $sel"»Ö¸´mentalrayĬÈÏÉèÖã»\n";
global proc RenderStats_CH(){
if(`window -exists RenderStats`) deleteUI RenderStats;
windowPref -ra;
window -wh 270 235 RenderStats;
columnLayout -adj true ;
string $menuBarLayout = `menuBarLayout`;
menu -label "Help";
menuItem -label "English / ÖÐÎÄ" -c
menuItem -label "¹ØÓÚ" -c "HelpWindow";
string $tabs = `tabLayout -w 270 -h 235`;
string $MyTab1 = `scrollLayout -horizontalScrollBarThickness 0`;
/////äÖȾÏÔʾPrimary Visibility
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 PrimaryVisibility;
button -l "äÖȾÏÔʾ" -h 24 -c
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "äÖȾ²»ÏÔʾ" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
/////ͶÉäÒõÓ°Casts Shadows
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 CastsShadows;
button -l "ͶÉäÒõÓ°" -h 24 -c "CastsShadows1";
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "²»Í¶ÉäÒõÓ°" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 ReceiveShadows;
button -l "½ÓÊÕÒõÓ°" -h 24 -c "ReceiveShadows1";
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "²»½ÓÊÕÒõÓ°" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 V_InReflections;
button -l "·´ÉäÖпɼû" -h 24 -c
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "·´ÉäÖв»¿É¼û" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 V_InRefractions;
button -l "ÕÛÉäÖпɼû" -h 24 -c
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "ÕÛÉäÖв»¿É¼û" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 MotionBlur;
button -l "Ô˶¯Ä£ºý" -h 24 -c "MotionBlur1";
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "Ô˶¯²»Ä£ºý" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 160 -cw 3 150;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 RestoreSettings;
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "»Ö¸´È«²¿ÉèÖÃ" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
string $MyTab2 = `scrollLayout -horizontalScrollBarThickness 0`;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 FG_Cast;
button -l "²úÉúFGÕÕÃ÷" -h 24 -c
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "²»²úÉúFGÕÕÃ÷" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 FG_Receive;
button -l "½ÓÊÕFGÕÕÃ÷" -h 24 -c
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "²»½ÓÊÕFGÕÕÃ÷" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 VisbleIn_Tr;
button -l "͸Ã÷¿É¼û" -h 24 -c "mTransparencyCast1";
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "͸Ã÷²»¿É¼û" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 Transmit_Tr;
button -l "ÏÔʾ͸Ã÷" -h 24 -c
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "²»ÏÔʾ͸Ã÷" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 TraceReflection;
button -l "ÏÔʾ·´Éä" -h 24 -c
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "²»ÏÔʾ·´Éä" -h 24 -c "mReflectionReceive0";
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 TransmitRefraction;
button -l "ÏÔʾÕÛÉä" -h 24 -c
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "²»ÏÔʾÕÛÉä" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 160 -cw 3 150;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 MR_RestoreSet;
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "»Ö¸´mentalrayÉèÖÃ" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
string $MyTab3 = `scrollLayout -horizontalScrollBarThickness 0`;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 SelfShadows;
button -l "¿ªÆô×ÔÒõÓ°" -h 24 -c
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "¹Ø±Õ×ÔÒõÓ°" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 Opaque;
button -l "¼ÆËã͸Ã÷" -h 24 -c
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "²»¼ÆËã͸Ã÷" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 VisibleInDiffuse;
button -l "²ÎÓëÂþÉäÕÕÃ÷" -h 24 -c
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "²»²ÎÓëÂþÉäÕÕÃ÷" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 VisibleInGlossy;
button -l "²ÎÓë·´ÉäÕÕÃ÷" -h 24 -c
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "²»²Î·´ÉäÕÕÃ÷" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 160 -cw 3 150;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 RestoreSettings;
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "»Ö¸´ArnoldÉèÖÃ" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
tabLayout -edit
-tabLabel $MyTab1 "MAYAÊôÐÔÉèÖÃ"
-tabLabel $MyTab2 "MRÊôÐÔÉèÖÃ"
-tabLabel $MyTab3 "ArÊôÐÔÉèÖÃ"
showWindow RenderStats_CH;
global proc RenderStats(){
if(`window -exists RenderStats`) deleteUI RenderStats;
windowPref -ra;
window -wh 200 235 RenderStats;
columnLayout -adj true ;
string $menuBarLayout = `menuBarLayout`;
menu -label "Help";
menuItem -label "English / ÖÐÎÄ" -c "RenderStats_CH";
menuItem -label "About..." -c "HelpWindow";
string $tabs = `tabLayout -w 200 -h 235`;
string $MyTab1 = `scrollLayout -horizontalScrollBarThickness 0`;
/////äÖȾÏÔʾPrimary Visibility
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 50 -cw 3 50;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 PrimaryVisibility;
button -l "On" -h 24 -c "PrimaryVisibility1";
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "Off" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
/////ͶÉäÒõÓ°Casts Shadows
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 50 -cw 3 50;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 CastsShadows;
button -l "On" -h 24 -c "CastsShadows1";
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "Off" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 50 -cw 3 50;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 ReceiveShadows;
button -l "On" -h 24 -c "ReceiveShadows1";
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "Off" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 50 -cw 3 50;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 V_InReflections;
button -l "On" -h 24 -c "VisibleInReflections1";
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "Off" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 50 -cw 3 50;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 V_InRefractions;
button -l "On" -h 24 -c "VisibleInRefractions1";
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "Off" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 50 -cw 3 50;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 MotionBlur;
button -l "On" -h 24 -c "MotionBlur1";
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "Off" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 100 -cw 3 150;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 RestoreSettings;
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "Restore settings" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
string $MyTab2 = `scrollLayout -horizontalScrollBarThickness 0`;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 50 -cw 3 50;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 FG_Cast;
button -l "On" -h 24 -c "mFinalGatherCast1";
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "Off" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 50 -cw 3 50;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 FG_Receive;
button -l "On" -h 24 -c "mFinalGatherReceive1";
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "Off" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 50 -cw 3 50;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 VisbleIn_Tr;
button -l "On" -h 24 -c "mTransparencyCast1";
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "Off" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 50 -cw 3 50;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 Transmit_Tr;
button -l "On" -h 24 -c "mTransparencyReceive1";
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "Off" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 50 -cw 3 50;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 TraceReflection;
button -l "On" -h 24 -c "mReflectionReceive1";
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "Off" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 50 -cw 3 50;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 TransmitRefraction;
button -l "On" -h 24 -c "mRefractionReceive1";
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "Off" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 100 -cw 3 150;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 MR_RestoreSet;
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "Restore settings" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
string $MyTab3 = `scrollLayout -horizontalScrollBarThickness 0`;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 50 -cw 3 50;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 SelfShadows;
button -l "On" -h 24 -c "aiSelfShadows1";
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "Off" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 50 -cw 3 50;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 Opaque;
button -l "On" -h 24 -c "aiOpaque1";//·´½á¹û
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "Off" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 50 -cw 3 50;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 VisibleInDiffuse;
button -l "On" -h 24 -c "aiVisibleInDiffuse1";
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "Off" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 50 -cw 3 50;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 VisibleInGlossy;
button -l "On" -h 24 -c "aiVisibleInGlossy1";
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "Off" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 100 -cw 3 150;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 RestoreSettings;
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "Restore settings" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
tabLayout -edit
-tabLabel $MyTab1 "MAYA_set"
-tabLabel $MyTab2 "MR_set"
-tabLabel $MyTab3 "Ar_set"
showWindow RenderStats;
global proc RenderStats_CH(){
if(`window -exists RenderStats`) deleteUI RenderStats;
windowPref -ra;
window -wh 270 235 RenderStats;
columnLayout -adj true ;
string $menuBarLayout = `menuBarLayout`;
menu -label "Help";
menuItem -label "English / ÖÐÎÄ" -c
menuItem -label "¹ØÓÚ" -c "HelpWindow_CH";
string $tabs = `tabLayout -w 270 -h 235`;
string $MyTab1 = `scrollLayout -horizontalScrollBarThickness 0`;
/////äÖȾÏÔʾPrimary Visibility
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 PrimaryVisibility;
button -l "äÖȾÏÔʾ" -h 24 -c
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "äÖȾ²»ÏÔʾ" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
/////ͶÉäÒõÓ°Casts Shadows
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 CastsShadows;
button -l "ͶÉäÒõÓ°" -h 24 -c "CastsShadows1";
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "²»Í¶ÉäÒõÓ°" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 ReceiveShadows;
button -l "½ÓÊÕÒõÓ°" -h 24 -c "ReceiveShadows1";
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "²»½ÓÊÕÒõÓ°" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 V_InReflections;
button -l "·´ÉäÖпɼû" -h 24 -c
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "·´ÉäÖв»¿É¼û" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 V_InRefractions;
button -l "ÕÛÉäÖпɼû" -h 24 -c
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "ÕÛÉäÖв»¿É¼û" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 MotionBlur;
button -l "Ô˶¯Ä£ºý" -h 24 -c "MotionBlur1";
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "Ô˶¯²»Ä£ºý" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 160 -cw 3 150;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 RestoreSettings;
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "»Ö¸´È«²¿ÉèÖÃ" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
string $MyTab2 = `scrollLayout -horizontalScrollBarThickness 0`;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 FG_Cast;
button -l "²úÉúFGÕÕÃ÷" -h 24 -c
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "²»²úÉúFGÕÕÃ÷" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 FG_Receive;
button -l "½ÓÊÕFGÕÕÃ÷" -h 24 -c
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "²»½ÓÊÕFGÕÕÃ÷" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 VisbleIn_Tr;
button -l "͸Ã÷¿É¼û" -h 24 -c "mTransparencyCast1";
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "͸Ã÷²»¿É¼û" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 Transmit_Tr;
button -l "ÏÔʾ͸Ã÷" -h 24 -c
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "²»ÏÔʾ͸Ã÷" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 TraceReflection;
button -l "ÏÔʾ·´Éä" -h 24 -c
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "²»ÏÔʾ·´Éä" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 TransmitRefraction;
button -l "ÏÔʾÕÛÉä" -h 24 -c
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "²»ÏÔʾÕÛÉä" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 160 -cw 3 150;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 MR_RestoreSet;
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "»Ö¸´mentalrayÉèÖÃ" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
string $MyTab3 = `scrollLayout -horizontalScrollBarThickness 0`;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 SelfShadows;
button -l "¿ªÆô×ÔÒõÓ°" -h 24 -c
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "¹Ø±Õ×ÔÒõÓ°" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 Opaque;
button -l "¼ÆËã͸Ã÷" -h 24 -c
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "²»¼ÆËã͸Ã÷" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 VisibleInDiffuse;
button -l "²ÎÓëÂþÉäÕÕÃ÷" -h 24 -c
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "²»²ÎÓëÂþÉäÕÕÃ÷" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 80 -cw 3 80;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 VisibleInGlossy;
button -l "²ÎÓë·´ÉäÕÕÃ÷" -h 24 -c
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "²»²Î·´ÉäÕÕÃ÷" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 90 -cw 2 160 -cw 3 150;
text -bgc 1 0.4 0.4 RestoreSettings;
button -bgc 0 0.7 0.7 -l "»Ö¸´ArnoldÉèÖÃ" -h 24 -c
setParent ..;
tabLayout -edit
-tabLabel $MyTab1 "MAYAÊôÐÔÉèÖÃ"
-tabLabel $MyTab2 "MRÊôÐÔÉèÖÃ"
-tabLabel $MyTab3 "ArÊôÐÔÉèÖÃ"
showWindow RenderStats;
internalVar -userScriptDir;
7.There are three tabs in the tool. Go to Ar_set and you will find
visible in diffuse tab.
8.Click on "off" to switch off the diffuse visibility.
![]() |
Default Occlusion
![]() |
Contact Occlusion
If there is any problem let me know on my mail id
-Thank you.!!
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